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Stockholm World Water Week - Developing and Financing Accountable Governance for Water Scarcity

3pm -4.30pm UK time; 4pm-5.30pm CET, 5pm-7.30pm Nairobi time

Presentation of the outcomes of 3 years of research into accountability

Panel discussion with development partners, government, and civil society organisations working on system strengthening and financing accountability for 5+ years

Focussed plenary discussion on the structure needed to finance sustainable accountability, particularly in water scarce contexts

free online registration at: https://www.worldwaterweek.org/tickets

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Where is the accountability?

Where is the accountability?

Where is the accountability?



UN water conference side event

Dylan Hotel, Conncorde Room, Tuesday 21st March, 1630

The conference deliverables are primarily voluntary commitments that re-state existing plans, and a summary of proceedings to inform the next HLPF. We want to encourage new funding, or new ways of working, to accelerate progress.

We recognise that the fifth theme: accelerating the implementation of the objectives of the Water Action Decade, depends on building, funding and refining the accountability systems that promote constant, systemic improvement and compounds into accelerated progress on WASH access and water management.

The objectives of the international decade for action are the sustainable development and integrated management of water resources for the achievement of social, economic and environmental objectives. They also stress the importance of the participation and full involvement of all relevant stakeholders, including women, children, young people, older persons, persons with disabilities, indigenous peoples and local communities.

This event will:

Showcase accountability commitments and strategies of stakeholders

Demonstrate the importance of accountability to accelerated SDG6 progress and the human rights to water and sanitation

Show the opportunities to fund accountability work at different levels for different types of funds, including development partners, financiers, and governments.

Call, with partners, for recognition of the fundamental role of an accountability framework for the commitments made by member states

Places are limited so please register!


Outline of event

Location: Dylan Hotel, Concorde Room

Capacity: 40 People

Duration: 90 Minutes

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