Knowledge Hub
Welcome to the Accountability for Water knowledge hub, where you can browse and explore data from the Global Evidence Review.
Through this platform, we aim to help researchers, practitioners and policymakers across the water sector to access, interpret and use the current evidence relating to accountability for water. Our findings provide an objective overview of accountability for water research, a guide to the key insights and highlights the remaining knowledge gaps. Click on the buttons below to find out more.
Global Evidence Review
Part One: Overview and Summary Results
This report summarises the results of a global review of evidence on the outcomes of accountability and advocacy interventions for improved water service delivery, water resource management and water governance, and the factors which influence their performance.
Part Two: Country-Level Evidence Summaries
This supplement presents detailed analysis showing what evidence is available on accountability and advocacy interventions in the water sector within Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, and Zambia.
Part Three: Priority Theme Evidence Summaries
This supplement presents detailed analysis showing what evidence is available on accountability and advocacy interventions for five priority themes: gender, donor approach, government responsiveness, measuring accountability, and closing civic space.